
Since 1952 Duplomatic is the largest Italian company for the production and development of components, equipment, and devices for industrial automation and hydraulics. Currently, a completely renewed and technically improved company is known on the market under the name Duplomatic Oleodinamica SpA.

For 50 years of work, to the complete satisfaction of the consumers of its products, the company has constantly modified its strategy and direction of research, based on the needs of consumers and always striving to be the first to offer new technologies.

Duplomatic is an active and reliable partner, guaranteeing high-quality product performance, from single components to the most complex systems. The success of the Duplomatic company is based on constant cooperation with a team of highly professional specialists, engineers, researchers, and workers who constantly improve their skills and strive to always be aware of the latest trends in the market for this product.

Thanks to a wide network of distribution centers, the company has representative offices on all five continents, ready at any time to satisfy any needs of their customers.

The production line of the Duplomatic company consists of:

• Hydraulic Pumps
• Pressure and Flow Сontrol Valves;
• Mounting and connecting plates;
• Modular valves;
• Hydraulic cylinders;
• Hydraulic Filters
• Proportional Valves;
• Pump stations and accessories.

Duplomatic Oleodinamica is a leading supplier of hydraulic systems in the energy sector for the European market. The best recommendation is more than 30 years of trouble-free operation of the company’s hydraulics in factories in different countries.

Order Duplomatic Hydraulic Components from Metkoff Ltd

Look through the Metkoff Ltd. catalog. We’re confident that you will find the right product. If you haven’t found the required component of the Duplomatic hydraulic system, then call the indicated contacts, send an email or fill out a special form on the website. Experts will provide the necessary advice.

Lumian Group

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