Anti-shok Valves

The anti-shock valves are normally used to protect the pressuregauge with a double function:
  • to dampen the pressure surge during the opening
  • to isolate the instrument from the system’s pressure line
The gauge can be oriented thanks to the rotating swivel nut and the internal o-ring here inserted prevents anyfluid leakage between the gauge and the fitting.

Anti-shock valve swivel straight connection:

CodeGgHLIPN (Bar)ES180ZL - Anti-shock valve swivel straight connection
ES180ZLISO 7/1 R 1/4"ISO 228 G1/4"466814400

Anti-shock valve double swivel straight connection:

Codeg1g2HLIPN (Bar)ES18G - Anti-shock valve double swivel straight connection
ES18GLZISO 228 G1/4"ISO 228 G1/4"466216400
ES18GFZLISO 228 G1/4"ISO 228 G1/4" 60°4655.516400

Anti-shock valve 3-way connection:

CodeGgHLIPN (Bar)ES18F - Anti-shock valve 3-way connection
ES18FZLISO 7/1 R 1/4"ISO 228 G1/4"4658.514400
ES18FRZLISO 7/1 R 1/4"ISO 7/1 R 1/4”4658.514400
ES18FNZL1/4" - 18 NPTF1/4" - 18 NPTF4658.514400

Anti-shock valve 90° connection:

CodeGgG2PN (Bar)ES180G12LZ - Anti-shock valve 90° connection
ES180G12LZISO 7/1 R 1/4"ISO 228 G1/4"ISO 228 G1/2”400

Anti-shock valve swivel straight connection:

CodeGgHLIPN (Bar)ES090LZ - Anti-shock valve swivel straight connection
ES090LZISO 7/1 R 1/4"ISO 228 G1/4"406814400
Lumian Group