Flow Divider – Group 3

Flow dividers in aluminium, and with external gears, of size group 3.

Characterized by high precision, they are modular up to 12 elements.

The performances achieved are: displacement 14.89 cm3/rev – 86.87 cm3/rev, maximum pressures up to 300 bar.

Technical Data:Options available:
  • Displacements from 14.89 cm3/rev to 86.87 cm3/rev
  • Maximum pressures up to 300 bar
  • Rotation speeds up to 2500 rpm
  • Viton

Flow Divider Without Valves – Group 3

Features and functions

This model is designed to divide the flow and is the standard version of the flow dividers of group 3. Due to the absence of valves, does not provide for the error reset.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
15 9D0266 9D0366 9D0466 9D0566 9D0666 9D0766 9D0866
18 9D0268 9D0368 9D0468 9D0568 9D0668 9D0768 9D0868
21 9D0270 9D0370 9D0470 9D0570 9D0670 9D0770 9D0870
27 9D0272 9D0372 9D0472 9D0572 9D0672 9D0772 9D0872
32 9D0274 9D0374 9D0474 9D0574 9D0674 9D0774 9D0874
38 9D0278 9D0378 9D0478 9D0578 9D0678 9D0778 9D0878
43 9D0279 9D0379 9D0479 9D0579 9D0679 9D0779 9D0879
47 9D0280 9D0380 9D0480 9D0580 9D0680 9D0780 9D0880
51 9D0281 9D0381 9D0481 9D0581 9D0681 9D0781 9D0881
54 9D0282 9D0382 9D0482 9D0582 9D0682 9D0782 9D0882
61 9D0283 9D0383 9D0483 9D0583 9D0683 9D0783 9D0883
64 9D0285 9D0385 9D0485 9D0585 9D0685 9D0785 9D0885
70 9D0286 9D0386 9D0486 9D0586 9D0686 9D0786 9D0886
74 9D0287 9D0387 9D0487 9D0587 9D0687 9D0787 9D0887
90 9D0289 9D0389 9D0489 9D0589 9D0689 9D0789 9D0889

Flow Divider Valves – Group 3

Features and functions

This model serves to divide the flow, has a single relief valve and anti-cavitation valve for each individual element, so it is possible to correct the error both in the direction of flow division and in the direction of flow reunification. You can also set the valves to different pressures for each individual element.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
15 9V0266 9V0366 9V0466 9V0566 9V0666 9V0766 9V0866
18 9V0268 9V0368 9V0468 9V0568 9V0668 9V0768 9V0868
21 9V0270 9V0370 9V0470 9V0570 9V0670 9V0770 9V0870
27 9V0272 9V0372 9V0472 9V0572 9V0672 9V0772 9V0872
32 9V0274 9V0374 9V0474 9V0574 9V0674 9V0774 9V0874
38 9V0278 9V0378 9V0478 9V0578 9V0678 9V0778 9V0878
43 9V0279 9V0379 9V0479 9V0579 9V0679 9V0779 9V0879
47 9V0280 9V0380 9V0480 9V0580 9V0680 9V0780 9V0880
51 9V0281 9V0381 9V0481 9V0581 9V0681 9V0781 9V0881
54 9V0282 9V0382 9V0482 9V0582 9V0682 9V0782 9V0882
61 9V0283 9V0383 9V0483 9V0583 9V0683 9V0783 9V0883
64 9V0285 9V0385 9V0485 9V0585 9V0685 9V0785 9V0885
70 9V0286 9V0386 9V0486 9V0586 9V0686 9V0786 9V0886
74 9V0287 9V0387 9V0487 9V0587 9V0687 9V0787 9V0887
90 9V0289 9V0389 9V0489 9V0589 9V0689 9V0789 9V0889
Lumian Group