Flow Divider – Group 2

Flow dividers in aluminium, and with external gears, of size group 2.

Characterized by high precision, they are modular even with more than 20 elements, and available with single relief valve and/or anti-cavitation valve.

It is possible to assemble the dividers of this group with those of group 1.

The performances achieved are: displacement 4.2 cm3/rev – 39.6 cm3/rev, maximum pressures up to 210 bar.

Technical Data:Options available:
  • Displacements from 4.2 cm3/rev to 39.6 cm3/rev
  • Maximum pressures up to 210 bar
  • Rotation speeds up to 2500 rpm
  • Viton
  • External shaft

Flow Divider Without Valves – Group 2

Features and functions

This model is designed to divide the flow and is the standard version of the flow dividers of group 2. Due to the absence of valves, does not provide for the error reset.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
4 9RD0241 9RD0341 9RD0441 9RD0541 9RD0641 9RD0741 9RD0841
6 9RD0243 9RD0343 9RD0443 9RD0543 9RD0643 9RD0743 9RD0843
9 9RD0245 9RD0345 9RD0445 9RD0545 9RD0645 9RD0745 9RD0845
11 9RD0247 9RD0347 9RD0447 9RD0547 9RD0647 9RD0747 9RD0847
14 9RD0249 9RD0349 9RD0449 9RD0549 9RD0649 9RD0749 9RD0849
17 9RD0251 9RD0351 9RD0451 9RD0551 9RD0651 9RD0751 9RD0851
19 9RD0253 9RD0353 9RD0453 9RD0553 9RD0653 9RD0753 9RD0853
22 9RD0255 9RD0355 9RD0455 9RD0555 9RD0655 9RD0755 9RD0855
26 9RD0257 9RD0357 9RD0457 9RD0557 9RD0657 9RD0757 9RD0857
30 9RD0259 9RD0359 9RD0459 9RD0559 9RD0659 9RD0759 9RD0859
34 9RD0261 9RD0361 9RD0461 9RD0561 9RD0661 9RD0761 9RD0861
40 9RD0263 9RD0363 9RD0463 9RD0563 9RD0663 9RD0763 9RD0863

Flow Divider Valves – Group 2

Features and functions

This model is designed to divide the flow, has a single relief valve and an anti-cavitation valve for each individual element, so it allows the error reset both, in the direction of flow division, and in the direction of flow unification. You can also calibrate the valves to different pressures for each individual element.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
4 9RV0241 9RV0341 9RV0441 9RV0541 9RV0641 9RV0741 9RV0841
6 9RV0243 9RV0343 9RV0443 9RV0543 9RV0643 9RV0743 9RV0843
9 9RV0245 9RV0345 9RV0445 9RV0545 9RV0645 9RV0745 9RV0845
11 9RV0247 9RV0347 9RV0447 9RV0547 9RV0647 9RV0747 9RV0847
14 9RV0249 9RV0349 9RV0449 9RV0549 9RV0649 9RV0749 9RV0849
17 9RV0251 9RV0351 9RV0451 9RV0551 9RV0651 9RV0751 9RV0851
19 9RV0253 9RV0353 9RV0453 9RV0553 9RV0653 9RV0753 9RV0853
22 9RV0255 9RV0355 9RV0455 9RV0555 9RV0655 9RV0755 9RV0855
26 9RV0257 9RV0357 9RV0457 9RV0557 9RV0657 9RV0757 9RV0857
30 9RV0259 9RV0359 9RV0459 9RV0559 9RV0659 9RV0759 9RV0859
34 9RV0261 9RV0361 9RV0461 9RV0561 9RV0661 9RV0761 9RV0861
40 9RV0263 9RV0363 9RV0463 9RV0563 9RV0663 9RV0763 9RV0863
Lumian Group