Gr. 1 / 0.91 – 9.88 cm3/rev - Flow Dividers

Flow Divider – Group 1

Flow dividers in aluminium, and with external gears, of size group 1.

Characterized by high precision, they are modular even with more than 20 elements, and available with single relief valve and/or anti-cavitation valve.

It is possible to assemble the dividers of this group with those of group 0 and of group 2.

The performances achieved are: displacement 0.91 cm3/rev – 9.88 cm3/rev, maximum pressures up to 220 bar.

Flow divider in aluminium, and with external gears, without valves. It is a component of group 1, and it is high-precision like all products in this category.

Technical Data:Options available:
  • Displacements from 0.91 cm3/rev to 9.88 cm3/rev
  • Maximum pressures up to 210 bar
  • Rotation speeds up to 6500 rpm
  • Viton
  • External shaft

Flow Divider Without Valves – Group 1

Features and functions

This model is designed to divide the flow and is the standard version of the flow dividers of group 1. Due to the absence of valves, it does not provide for error reset at the end of the stroke.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
0.9 9RD0216 9RD0316 9RD0416 9RD0516 9RD0616 9RD0716 9RD0816
1.2 9RD0217 9RD0317 9RD0417 9RD0517 9RD0617 9RD0717 9RD0817
1.7 9RD0218 9RD0318 9RD0418 9RD0518 9RD0618 9RD0718 9RD0818
2.2 9RD0220 9RD0320 9RD0420 9RD0520 9RD0620 9RD0720 9RD0820
2.6 9RD0221 9RD0321 9RD0421 9RD0521 9RD0621 9RD0721 9RD0821
3.2 9RD0223 9RD0323 9RD0423 9RD0523 9RD0623 9RD0723 9RD0823
3.8 9RD0225 9RD0325 9RD0425 9RD0525 9RD0625 9RD0725 9RD0825
4.3 9RD0227 9RD0327 9RD0427 9RD0527 9RD0627 9RD0727 9RD0827
4.9 9RD0229 9RD0329 9RD0429 9RD0529 9RD0629 9RD0729 9RD0829
5.9 9RD0231 9RD0331 9RD0431 9RD0531 9RD0631 9RD0731 9RD0831
6.5 9RD0232 9RD0332 9RD0432 9RD0532 9RD0632 9RD0732 9RD0832
7.8 9RD0234 9RD0334 9RD0434 9RD0534 9RD0634 9RD0734 9RD0834
9.8 9RD0236 9RD0336 9RD0436 9RD0536 9RD0636 9RD0736 9RD0836

Flow Divider Single Valve – Group 1

Features and functions

This model is designed to divide the flow, and has a single relief valve, common to all elements, which allows the error reset at the end of the stroke, but only in the direction of flow division.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
0.9 9RS0216 9RS0316 9RS0416 9RS0516 9RS0616 9RS0716 9RS0816
1.2 9RS0217 9RS0317 9RS0417 9RS0517 9RS0617 9RS0717 9RS0817
1.7 9RS0218 9RS0318 9RS0418 9RS0518 9RS0618 9RS0718 9RS0818
2.2 9RS0220 9RS0320 9RS0420 9RS0520 9RS0620 9RS0720 9RS0820
2.6 9RS0221 9RS0321 9RS0421 9RS0521 9RS0621 9RS0721 9RS0821
3.2 9RS0223 9RS0323 9RS0423 9RS0523 9RS0623 9RS0723 9RS0823
3.8 9RS0225 9RS0325 9RS0425 9RS0525 9RS0625 9RS0725 9RS0825
4.3 9RS0227 9RS0327 9RS0427 9RS0527 9RS0627 9RS0727 9RS0827
4.9 9RS0229 9RS0329 9RS0429 9RS0529 9RS0629 9RS0729 9RS0829
5.9 9RS0231 9RS0331 9RS0431 9RS0531 9RS0631 9RS0731 9RS0831
6.5 9RS0232 9RS0332 9RS0432 9RS0532 9RS0632 9RS0732 9RS0832
7.8 9RS0234 9RS0334 9RS0434 9RS0534 9RS0634 9RS0734 9RS0834
9.8 9RS0236 9RS0336 9RS0436 9RS0536 9RS0636 9RS0736 9RS0836

Flow Divider Valves – Group 1

Features and functions

This model is designed to divide the flow, has a single relief valve and an anti-cavitation valve for each individual element, so it allows the error reset both, in the direction of flow division, and in the direction of flow unification. You can also calibrate the valves to different pressures for each individual element.



Displacements cc 2 elements 3 elements 4 elements 5 elements 6 elements 7 elements 8 elements
0.9 9RV0216 9RV0316 9RV0416 9RV0516 9RV0616 9RV0716 9RV0816
1.2 9RV0217 9RV0317 9RV0417 9RV0517 9RV0617 9RV0717 9RV0817
1.7 9RV0218 9RV0318 9RV0418 9RV0518 9RV0618 9RV0718 9RV0818
2.2 9RV0220 9RV0320 9RV0420 9RV0520 9RV0620 9RV0720 9RV0820
2.6 9RV0221 9RV0321 9RV0421 9RV0521 9RV0621 9RV0721 9RV0821
3.2 9RV0223 9RV0323 9RV0423 9RV0523 9RV0623 9RV0723 9RV0823
3.8 9RV0225 9RV0325 9RV0425 9RV0525 9RV0625 9RV0725 9RV0825
4.3 9RV0227 9RV0327 9RV0427 9RV0527 9RV0627 9RV0727 9RV0827
4.9 9RV0229 9RV0329 9RV0429 9RV0529 9RV0629 9RV0729 9RV0829
5.9 9RV0231 9RV0331 9RV0431 9RV0531 9RV0631 9RV0731 9RV0831
6.5 9RV0232 9RV0332 9RV0432 9RV0532 9RV0632 9RV0732 9RV0832
7.8 9RV0234 9RV0334 9RV0434 9RV0534 9RV0634 9RV0734 9RV0834
9.8 9RV0236 9RV0336 9RV0436 9RV0536 9RV0636 9RV0736 9RV0836
Lumian Group